Tuesday, April 21, 2009

finished modified February Lady Sweater

Neck (from a raveler)

using G hook

row 1:  single crochet in first 2 stitches then skip a stitch.  continue around neck.

row 2: chain 1 turn, sc around.

row 3: ch1 turn, and then a sc in the first sc, chain 3 and skipped 2 sc to do a sc in the next sc, continuing in this manner to the end. cut and pull through last loop.

row 4: at beginning of final row, attach the yarn again. sc in the first single crochet, then a sc, hdc, 2dc, hdc, sc in each ch 3 space.


Tapering sleeves to add long sleeves to project (from another raveler)

Decrease rows were at beginning of pattern repeat 6,11,16,20,23,26 to 35 stitches.

At the beginning of the decrease round

Row 1: K2Tog x3 then slip 1 stitch back to left needle and K2Tog. (Decreased from 7 stitches to 3 stitches). Continue in pattern to end of row 1.

Row 2:, K2Tog x2 then slip 1 stitch back to left needle and K2Tog. Slip the 1 remaining stitch back to the left needle and count it as the first stitch of the pattern.



BUTTONHOLE from a site online that I've lost reference to

Knit to the point where the buttonhole will be placed.

Slip the first stitch on the left needle as if knit.,Move the yarn to the front of the work

Slip the next stitch from the left needle to the right needle as if to knit. PSSO.Repeat until you have bound off the number of required stitches for the buttonhole.

Slip the last stitch from the right needle back to the left needle. Turn.

Bring the yarn to the front of the work.

At the edge where the buttonhole was begun, cast on the number of stitches you bound off plus one additional stitch.( knitted or cable work nicely- twisted is too loose). Turn

Slip the first stitch from the left needle to the right needle as if to knit. Pass the extra cast on stitch over the next stitch; then slip this stitch back to the left needle.





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