Saturday, March 24, 2007

finished Madeleine's socks and knitted up the gross green yarn

I had made Madeleine's socks out of the Paton's Paintbox and made them too small (old measurements). I frogged them back and reknitted them with size 2 needles 7 3/4 inch foot and 2 inch ribbing on the top. After I cast on 52 stitches and spread to 3 needles and joined, I knitted the first round. Then I ribbed for a couple of rounds then changed to size 1 needles for the rest of the rib. Then switched back to size 2. The resulting top of the sock looked very nice. The knitted round gave the top a finished look that the ribbing doesn't. The smaller rib from size one needles gave a more springy rib.

The gross green cotton yarn that I had ordered online that came in a nasty color is all knitted up and I actually found someone that said what a nice color. I knitted it into a dishcloth from a lone star knitters knit-along and a pot holder with a double knitted center section. I really liked the pot holder (from one of Elizabeth Zimmerman's books) The dishcloth says Love to knit.