Monday, September 1, 2008

Awesome labor day feast

My dear husband made a grilled feast - portobello mushrooms, corned beef grilled brisket, lemon pepper boneless chicken, grilled baby zuchinni, grilled potatoes. Since I can't cook because of the frozen shoulder after my June left rotator cuff surgery, I am being spoiled.

He is awesome and since he heard about the second surgery possibly in October, he is still smiling. That's love.

He also spiffed up the backyard today.

where have I been? you don't want to know

I finished the shawl. I am still thinking about ripping it back and making socks - like 3 pair.. A shawl made from sock yarn will not block - what was I thinking. I also know that I don't like knitting lace. Live and learn.

I was working on the mason-dixon mitered square blanket and having a wonderful time until...

...I tore out my left rotator cuff in March 2008. I had surgery in June - then the shoulder froze - now I may be having surgery in October. I

definitely need surgery but I don't want it too close to Christmas because of the LONG recovery window. Will see the doctor in September. In the mean time, lots of pain, no use of left arm ...uck.

I can knit for about 10 minutes a day now. Let's see it will take only 6 days to make one square for the blanket. Oh well isn't the blanket visually appealing? It is made in the softest cotton. It is very nice to work with and will feel awesome.